The aim of our service is to enable service users to remain as independent as possible while being cared for at home in such a way that their dignity, privacy, are given the highest priority and they are always treated in a respectful manner.
Our Objectives
- To provide a high-quality bespoke service, which enables and assists service users to retain their independence and to remain at home for as long as they wish.
- To provide a person-centred service based on individually assessed needs and requirements
- To provide and maintain services which comply with, and wherever possible exceed current legislation.
- To ensure that the needs of service users are paramount regarding any decisions or activities affecting their care.
- To ensure that the service user and/or their representatives are regularly consulted about our service and implement any changes that are deemed necessary.
- To provide continuity of service to service users.
Our Principles
- Respect diversity and culture
- Promote equal opportunities
- Empower individuals
- Carry out and be aware of risk assessment
- Understand the importance and limits of confidentiality
- Use a person-centred approach when supporting service users
- Deliver care in accordance with an individualized care plan
Our Staff
We have a rigorous recruitment selection and statutory vetting procedure. All staff undergo a vetting process before engaging with any clients including an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service Check, two references checks one of which must be from their current or most recent employer and a mandatory training program.
Our staff undergo a comprehensive induction and mandatory training where they are assessed for competency prior to undertaking work. The full range of training is in line with statutory requirements and includes:
- Moving and Handling
- Health and Safety
- Equal Opportunities
- Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults
- Infection Control
- Effective hand Hygiene
- Food Hygiene
- First Aid
- Fire Safety
- Medication Administration & Safe Handling
- MCA including DOLS
Training needs and opportunities for further development are identified through supervision and annual appraisal for all Staff and Care Workers.
Health and Social Care training to the required level will be available to all staff in accordance with the relevant legislation.
Care Workers providing a service to Service Users with specific needs will receive appropriate specialist training
All members of the care staff are offered the Care Certificate after 3 months of employment.
Quality Management
We strive to maintain high standards throughout the service delivery and our various policies and procedures provide suitable guidance on how to operate in accordance with relevant legislation, whilst protecting the health, safety, dignity and respect of our service users.
We aim to comply with the CQC essential standards which guide our practice. Our registered manager will have a system in place to ensure we are caring, responsive to care, well led, keeping our service users safe and how we involve our service users in decision making.
To do this we aim to:
- Understand service users’ needs
- Provide suitable staff
- Promote best care values
- Train and motivate staff
- Constantly review policies, procedures and service delivery